Press & Media
Astro Awani Interview: Solar solusi terbaik, cekap tenaga
Pantau Belanjawan 2023: Cuaca Panas | Solar solusi terbaik, cekap tenaga
Astro Awani Interview: Gagasan solar permudah akses kepada PKS
KUALA LUMPUR: Industri solar sedang berkembang pesat di peringkat global dan Malaysia tidak terkecuali. Kerajaan sebelum ini menyasarkan peningkatan kapasiti pemasangan tenaga boleh diperbaharui kepada 31 peratus menjelang 2025 dan 40 peratus menjelang 2035.
New Straits Times: Making solar energy affordable
Joshep Lee of Gagasan Solar shares about the business model innovations for the Malaysian solar industry, and how businesses, investors and the environment stand to benefit from them.
The Edge: Renewable Energy - Investing in sunlight
Gagasan Solar’s Managing Director Joshep Lee shares about the blue ocean investment opportunities in Malaysian solar energy and how they’re building a cleaner future.
BFM 89.9: Can We Crowdfund Solar Power?
Locally, youth entrepreneur Joshep Lee, is furthering the national solar energy conversation by rallying investors to partake in Malaysia’s first ever solar fund.